Field Trip…

Students were given a permission form on Thursday for our coming field trip. This field trip was initiated and planned by one of the students in our class as a way to take action from our Sharing the Planet unit. Great job Ghalia!!! On Tuesday, March 7 we will be cleaning up one of Kuwait’s beaches to help have a positive impact on the natural world! Please have your son or daughter bring their permission back to school by Monday the latest.

Learning this week…

UOI – We have begun our fourth Unit of Inquiry about how human exploration allows us to understand where we are in place and time. Students have completed their diagnostic assessment, have tuned in to what they already know and now it is time to explore some provocations to see what they are curious about and interested in!

Literacy – We will beginning a new unit where students inquire into themselves as readers. They will be inquiring into their interests, strengths and areas for growth and creating plans to help them develop new skills to become even better readers!

Math – We will be returning back to our operations unit to focus on division. Students will be supported in reviewing the concept of division as well as solidifying single-digit fluency. From there we will explore the standard algorithm for dividing multi-digit numbers (long division)


Sunday, March 5– Day 4 (PE, Religion, Arabic)

Monday, March 6– Day 5 (Religion, Art, Arabic)

Tuesday, March 7–  Day 6 (Arabic) FIELD TRIP – BEACH CLEAN-UP

Wednesday, March 8– Day 1 (Religion, Arabic)

Thursday, March 9 – Day 2 (PE, Art, Arabic)