Salam Alaikum! Ola! Hello!

I hope you and your families are well. Here is some information for our upcoming week!

Unit of Inquiry Summative…

As our first Unit of Inquiry comes to an end, students have participated in a range of activities to show what they have learned. In my opinion, summative activities are not meant to “test” students on what they know and don’t know… but more importantly a chance for me to be genuinely curious about what they have learned and what they think now. I approach summatives like a detective! Trying anyway possible to figure out what your son or daughter knows! 🙂


Trying to measure learning is one of the most difficult tasks in teaching. So our class participated in a range of activities to try and measure their learning. Students explored:

  1. How their thinking changed throughout the unit (I used to think… Now I think…)
  2. What their big take away or big idea was from the unit (Headline) 
  3. New knowledge they acquired over the unit (Time Capsule)
  4. How what they learned applies to their own life (reflecting on personal relationships)

From there, students had the chance to self-assess. Self assessment plays a very important role in the PYP and in the process of learning found in most schools today:




This week I will be conferencing with each student about their self-assessment. If I agree with their self-assessment based on their summative activities that will become their final mark for the unit. If I disagree with their self-assessment based on their summative activities I will have a conversation with them to find out if they know more than what they showed. From there we will come up with their final UOI grade.

I am anticipating this process will be complete by the end of the week at which point students will be able to bring home their final rubric and share their learning and achievement with you!

Learning Showcase…

We are so excited for our first ever learning showcase! Thank you for being risk-takers with us and trying something new. The learning showcase is happening this Thursday, October 27th from 1:00 – 2:30. During this time you will have a schedule to follow that will allow you to see and celebrate students’ learning so far in homeroom, music, PE and Arabic! We think it’s going to be awesome!

Dress Down Day…

This Thursday, October 27th is also a dress down day. The Student Leadership Council has decided the theme will be “Wacky Dress”. Since it is also our learning show case, Grade 4 students will be able to choose if they would like to participate in the Wacky theme or not. If they prefer not to dress wacky because of our showcase, that is fine and students will be welcome to wear whatever they feel is appropriate for their showcase.

Book Appreciation Month…



Sunday, October 23 – Day 4 (PE, Religion, Arabic)

Monday, October 24 – Day 5 (Religion, Music, Arabic)

Tuesday, October 25 – Day 6 (PE, Arabic)

Wednesday, October 26 – Day 1 (Religion, Arabic)

Thursday, October 27 –  Day 2 (PE, Music) GRADE 4 SHOWCASE & DRESS DOWN DAY

As always please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments or concerns!


Miss Taryn